Pam has been kind enough to let me post today on her blog after I missed my DT project date on Wednesday.
My project for you today is a piece of a bigger project. My great Aunt Marie passed away on Mother's Day. She was very much a grandmother figure to me and I will miss her greatly. To honor her memory I'm going to make a shadow box. Aunt Marie always loved whatever I made for her, so I feel that making a project to honor her legacy is something that she would approve of.
Aunt Marie was a teacher for 41 years and touched a lot of lives. She stayed active in the community as long as she could. She always had a kind word for everyone. Her generosity knew no bounds.
My post today is showcasing a part of the shadow box project. I made a custom monogrammed accent piece. Here is what I came up with:

My Aunt had a lot of monogrammed items and I knew that having an "M" would be fitting. Her favorite color was red and her favorite flowers were red roses. As she was the epitome of classy, I chose a simple cream and black theme with red as an accent. The background paper of text was chosen to because she loved to read and it made me think of her legacy as a teacher.
This is but a piece of my project. Please check back soon for the finished project. I intend to make it a labor of love and honor for my dear Aunt Marie.
Thank you and have a lovely day.
Cartridges: Accent Essentials, Gypsy Font, Indie Art
Misc: Red flocking
Sorry for your loss dear. This is beautiful and I am sure she would have loved it. TFS
It's beautiful Angji, she would be proud no doubt.
I like it very much!
What a great tribute to Aunt Marie!! As you pointed out... she was a classy lady with a huge heart!!
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