I've recently discovered (actually rediscovered...appreciate better now) a new scrapbooking guru for myself. I'm sure many of you know her name already but I adore everything Cathy Zielske does! Her clean graphic style draws me. I've discovered in my sophomore year of scrapbooking that I prefer clean lines and linear layouts. I detest the trend of throwing as much product (ie..crap) as you can fit on a layout and call it good. It's about the pictures and stories, not the product! So here is a very quick layout I made for my 1st day of the Craft A Day September Challenge.

I took this picture with my phone the day my mail van broke down on the route a couple of weeks ago. My caption at the time had something to do about the fuel pump and waiting for the calvary to come and help me. Not a happy memory to be sure. However, I have noticed that in my circle of friends and acquaintances many people work in cubicles. Every time I see a picture of a friend in a cubicle, I shudder. I could not imagine being cooped up in a windowless prison all day long. This made me realize that I very grateful to have never had a job where I've been subject to this torture. Hence the birth of this layout....my cubicle. I love it. Dust, bugs, dogs, rain, heat, snow, ice and all. I wouldn't have it any other way.