Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dressing Yourself

I love this picture that my sister in law took of my niece. I mean really, who could have come up with a better outfit than a 4 year old??? I also had to rescue this picture from my mom who thinks that pictures should be left lying around and curling up and gathering dust. So yeah, it was really a rescue effort on my part.

Did you get the green flower? I did that on purpose to match the boots. I mean, my niece didn't match so why should I? As I was putting on the rubons for the title the first one cracked and slid on me. At first I was mad, but they were a gift from someone else, so I figured that they were old and took a deep breath and thought of what Ali Edwards says,"It's ok". So it's ok. In the end I like the "distressed" look of my rubons. Whew!

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